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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #7

Sounds of Vowels.

Oi (like W followed by the a in rather)

Moi - toi - bois - roi - toit - noix - joie - loi - soif - froid - noir - troid

Ou (like oo in soon)

Tout- sous - cou - doux - fou - court - souris - groupe - cour - roue - clou - coude

Discover the Testimony of Kate Joslin from California, U.S.A.

"I was very pleased with Rocket French from the beginning. I didn’t even have to wait for it to come in the mail but began immediately exploring the program after I downloaded it.

The lessons were very helpful and I enjoyed learning by reading and listening to the language. For such a beginner like myself I thought the lessons were very understandable and basic.

Overall, I was very pleased with the program and thought the practical go-at-your-own-speed teaching style was great. My French began to improve and I had fun practicing everything I was learning on my French-speaking friends."

If You want to have the same Adventure as Kate please visit us at: Rocket French


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