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Friday, December 01, 2006

Learn Basic French Online: The Plural Determinants.

= les

A = des

This = ces

Ex.: pantalons (masculine plural –

cravates (feminine plural -

My = mes

Your = tes

His, her = ses


Learn Basic French Online: The Feminine Determinants.

= la

A = une

This = cette
Ex.: cravate (feminine singular - f.s.)

My = ma

Your = ta

His, her = sa


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Learn Basic French Online: The Masculine Determinants.

The = le

A = un

This = ce

Ex.: pantalon (Masculine Singular - m.s.)

My = mon

Your = ton

His, her = son


Learn Basic French Online: The 7th General Rule of The French Pronunciation shows you some rare cases.

1. Sometimes E is pronounced like A!

Ex.: femme – poêle

2. Sometimes Ai is pronounced like E!

Ex.: nous faisons


Learn Basic French Online: The 6th General Rule Of The French Pronunciation Shows You How To Pronounce Numbers.

How to pronounce 5 and 8.

1. Q and T + vowel = create a connexion in the pronunciation between the two words who will sound as Q or T

Ex.: cinq enfants – huit élèves

2. Q and T + consonant = Q and T become Silent

Ex.: cinq cahiers – huit plumes

3. Q and T at the end of the phrase = Q and T are pronounced as they are normally pronounced

Ex.: j`en ai acheté cinq


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Learn Basic French Online: The 5th General Rule Of The French Pronunciation Shows You How To Proncounce Numbers.

How to pronounce 6 and 10.

1. X + vowel = Z

Ex.: six élèves - dix enfants

2. X at the end of the phrase = SS

Ex.: j`en ai acheté six

3. X + consonant = Silent

Ex.: six garcons - dix filles


Learn Basic French Online: The 4th General Rule Of The French Pronunciation Is Divided In Three Divisions.

1. When a word ends with S – X – Z and the following word starts with a Vowel the connexion between those two words is pronounced as Z.

les élèves - ils a des beaux yeux - vous avez été aimez

2. When a word ends with T - D and the following word starts with a Vowel the connexion between those two words is pronounced as T.

Ex.: un grand enfant - quand il parle - cet enfant est honnête

3. When a word ends with R - P - L - N or with any Silent letter at the end of that word and the following word starts with a Vowel, the connexion between those two words is pronounced like the last letter of that word.

Ex.: C`est un homme trop honnête - mon ami - le dernier acte


Monday, November 27, 2006

Learn Basic French Online: The 3rd General Rule Of The French Pronunciation.

The end (ent) of the 3rd person in Plural isn`t pronounced!

Ex.: ils mangent - ils boivent - ils parlent - ils finissent


Learn French Online: The 2nd General Rule Of The French Pronunciation.

The E is never pronounced at the end of the word!

Ex.: date - lame - lune - porte - il parle - il porte

For more Free Professional Ressources you can visit "Rocket French" and scroll down until the "Sign up to my FREE 6-Day French Course!" frame.

Take action and straightly discover the "Rocket French 6-Day Course: Day 1" in your E-mail box.

If after all this you still have a comment you`re "Welcome!"

For any questions you can always join me at:

I hope to see you soon but until then: "Au revoir!"


Learn French Online: The 1st General Rule Of The French Pronunciation.

Generally we don't pronounce the consonant at the end of the word.

Ex.: buffet – carnet – tricot – rat – rond – bavard – bois – paradis

Attention! There are two Rules where rare cases appear.

The 1st Rule is where the consonant at the end of the word is pronounced like c – l – r – f – s!

Ex.: chic - lac - bec - sac - fer - tennis - canal

The 2nd Rule is where we pronounce the consonant in Singular but we don`t pronounce it in Plural!

Ex.: un os ... des os - un boeuf ... des boeufs - un oeuf ... des oeufs


Learn Basic French Online. We`re Here To Guide You!

On "How to Learn to Speak French Online" we're going to explain you some general Rules of Pronunciation to make it possible for Me and You to Master it with Excellence!

One of the most important things in the achievement to master the French language with confidence is to pronounce it with the effective French Pronunciation Rules.

In the following chapters we're going to show you Step by Step which sounds are Pronounced and those who are Silent. In some other cases you will discover that there are between two words a connexion in the pronunciation.

Since years the French language is worldly known as the Language of Romance and Love. Don't you want to be able to explore that kind of feeling?

Welcome and take your profit of my Blog because after all that's why we're here for!


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Learn French Online: The Last Sound Of The Consonants.

Z (pronounced as in English)

Ex.: zéro – zinc – zone – mazout – azur – zizanie

The following chapters will give you some general rules so stay tuned on "How to Learn to Speak French Online" if you desire to acquire more vast knowledge on the French Pronunciation!


Learn French Online: Attention: The Way "X" Is Pronounced Is Devised In Five Different Rules!

X = SS

Ex.: six (6) – dix (10) – dix-sept (17) soixante (60)

X = Gs

Ex.: exercise – exemple – examen – exact – exagération

X = Ks

Ex.: sexe – boxe – taxi – taxe – laxatif – fixe – expliquer

X = Z

Ex.: sixième – dixième – deuxième – dix-huit – dix-neuf

X = Silent at the end of the word

Ex.: des choux – des tableaux – les jeux – des chevaux – des journeaux


Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

V (pronounced like in English)

Ex.: veau – vendredi – vase – visa – brave

W (like wh in what)

Ex.: watt – wattmann – water-closet

Attention! There are some rare cases where the W at the beginning of the word sounds like V.

Ex.: wagon – wagonnier


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Learn French Online: Attention: There are Three Different Rules In This Pronunciation!

The 1st Rule is where T is pronounced like in English!

Ex.: stade - étiquette - tête - bête - étoffe - tâche

The 2nd Rule is where T is pronounced like in English but is written like Th!

thé - théâtre - thermomètre - théorie - éther

The 3rd Rule is where T is pronounced like S!

Ex.: nation - action - irrigation - relation - station


Friday, November 24, 2006

Learn French Online: Attention: There Are Two Different Rules In This Pronunciation!

The 1st Rule is where S usually is like S in Sit!

Ex.: sardine - sage - bonsoir - sel - piscine

The 2nd Rule is where S is between two vowels and is pronounced like Z in size!

Ex.: casino - maison - asile - raison - voisin


Learn French Online: Attention: There are Two Different Rules In This Pronunciation!

The 1st Rule is where R is more Trilled than in English!

Ex.: route - radio - bar - terre - raison - ferme

The 2nd Rule is where R is Silent when the verbs end with Er!

Ex.: donner - parler - jouer - manger - regarder


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Learn French Online: Attention: There are Two Different Rules In This Pronunciation!

The 1st Rule is where Qu is pronounced like C in Cat!

Ex.: qui - que - quatre - question - quelque - quoi

The 2nd Rule is where Qu is pronounced like Qu in Quarter!

Ex.: aquarium - aquatique - adequate - quadrisyllabe


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

M (pronounced like in English)

Ex.: maman - marmite - mariage - gramme - marmelade

N (pronounced like in English)

Ex.: nature - nitrate - tonne - sonner - ananas

P (pronounced like in English)

Ex.: porte - papier - peau - sport - passeport - patinage

Ph = F

Ex.: phrase - phare - phosphore - microphone - pharaon


Learn French Online: Attention: There Are Different Rules In This Consonant pronunciation!

Il, ill, ail, aille, eil, eille, euil, euille, ouille, oeil, ueil (like y in yet)

The 1st Rule is where the L is pronounced like the Y in Yet!

Ex.: fille - travail - famille - oreille - soleil - volaille - appareil - bille - rail - ail - feuille - écureuil- grenouille - papillon - oeil - orgueil - billet - rouille - fauteuil

The 2nd Rule is where the double L is pronounced like the ll in Bill!

mille - million - ville - village - villa

The 3d Rule is where the Singular L at the end of this following words is Silent!

sourcils - gril - fusil


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

J (like s in leisure)

Ex.: jour - jaune - jardin - joie - journal - bijou - juillet

K (pronounced as in English)

Ex.: kilo - kiosque - kidnapper - klaxonner - kaki - képi

L (like l in late)

Ex.: la - long - litre - canal - lettre - lire - liste - lit - lecture

For more Free Professional Ressources you can visit Rocket French and scroll down until the "Sign up to my FREE 6-Day French Course!" frame.

Take action and straightly discover the "Rocket French 6-Day Course: Day 1" in your E-mail box.

If after all this you still have a comment you`re Welcome!

For any questions you can always join me at:

I hope to see you soon but until then: "Au revoir!"


Learn French Online: Attention: The "H" Has Two Different Kinds In Pronounciation!

In pronounciation:

The "Inhaled H" is separated from the word placed before!

Ex.: une hache (une/ache) - le haricot (le/arico) - ce hasard (ce/asar) - la hauteur (la/auteur) - une hutte ( une/utte)

The "Silent H" is attached to the word placed before!

Ex.: un habit (unnabi) - cet homme (cetom) - cette huile (cetuil) - une histoire (uneistoir) - une herbe (uneerb)

H (is never pronounced)

Ex.: dehors (de/or) - en haut (en/o)


Monday, November 20, 2006

Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

Gu + e, i = G (pronounciation hard like g in go)

Ex.: guitare - guide - figue - guerre - vague

G + consonant = G (pronounciation hard like g in go)

Ex.: gris - glace - grand - gros - gras - grave

Gn (like ni in onion)

Ex.: montagne - ligne - campagne - peigne - signe - agneau


Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

CC + (in the middle of the word) = K

Ex.: baccalauréat – accordéon – accident – occident

C = g

Ex.: second – secondaire – seconde

D (pronounced as in English)

Ex.: danger – double – dame – dossier – déodorant

F (pronounced as in English)

Ex.: farine – buffet – filtre – enfant – fumer

G + a, o, u = G (pronounciation hard like g in go)

Ex.: gaz – gare – gomme – gant – gateau – gorge

G + e, i, y = J (like s in leisure)

Ex.: geste – plage – girafe – gens – gilet – gentil - gymnastique


Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

C + e, i, y = S (like s in sit)

Ex.: ce – cette – ciel – cil – citadelle – cycliste

C ( ç ) + a, o, u = S (like s in sit)

Ex.: garçon – caleçon – leçon – maçon – français – reçu

C (at the end of the word) = K

Ex.: sac – bec – lac – ammoniac

Attention! There are some rare cases where the C at the end of the word doesn`t sounds as the K.

  • caoutchouc
  • tronc


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Learn French Online: The Sound Of The Consonants.

B (pronounced as in English)

Ex.: béret - bloc - banque - absent - microbe

C + a, o, u = K

Ex.: carte - camarade - cadeau - culotte - coq - curieux - cuir

C + consonant = K

Ex.: classe - club - clé - clou - lecture - craie

C + h = K

Ex.: Chlore - choléra - ochestre - technique - choeur - chrétien

C + h = Sh (like in shop)

Ex.: Chose - chaud - chaise - chambre - chien - chaque - chat - cheveu


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Learn French Online: Attention: The Violation Of The Nasal Vowels!

In some rare cases the rules of "The Nasal Vowels" are violated.

In these rare cases the written words end with um but spoken they sound as om and still the m remains pronounced!


    • Album (Al-bom)
    • Aluminium (Alumini-om)
    • Radium (Radi-om)
    • Opium (Opi-om)
    • Optimum (Optim-om)


    Learn French Online: The Nasal Vowels.

    (like ung in sung without pronouncing the g)


    Bien - rien - mien - sien - tiens - chien


    Loin - foin - soin - point - moins - coin




    Friday, November 17, 2006

    Learn French Online: The Nasal Vowels.

    (like an in ant)

    In, im.

    Fin - lapin - matin - jardin - timbre - impoli

    Un, um.

    Lundi - brun - un - commun - parfum - à jeun

    Ain, aim.

    Bain - pain - demain - train - main - faim


    Plein - rein - sein - frein - peint - éteint


    Thursday, November 16, 2006

    Learn To Speak Basic French Online: Be Able To Handle It With An Effective But Affordable Software!

    Hi you`ll. In this post I`m going to clear up some details to make it possible for you to understand what the reality is the day of today. Most of Humankind is busy 24/24, 7/7 at work, in the car, at the gym, ... , and even in the shower we spend a lot of our lives.

    Although we desire to educate ourselves with differentes kinds of knowledge, do we really find an open place in our schedule? For example I don`t see myself driving thru New-York in the morning nor in the evening and afterwards Mastering the French language by taking a book and looking at it while honking like madness. Also what I`ve discovered is that we don`t really think about the Benediction we received on this earth.

    We own MP3 Players and ipods and much more but aren`t we one of those who receives it as a gift and just stores it in the closet? Think about it! Use your own Daily routine and exploit the Profit of it. Drive until your Job or bring the kids to school. Take a half our Shower to take the Stress out of your back. 2 Hours at the gym every two days to stay in the move. But did you really get everything out of it?

    This is my proposition to You and Myself: "Exploit our lost moments as much as possible before it`s to late!" Grap your MP3 Players and ipods and use them as you should. A lot of "Learn To Speak Basic French Online" Softwares allow You to study in your Own Daily Routine without spending enormous amounts of money nore putting to much effort in it. Because after all we desire something Effective but Affordable!

    I analyzed a lot of Software Reviews and it seems that Rocket French is the most Sold and Beloved Learn-to-Speak French course on the Web.

    Like most of the people I was just paranoid. I couldn`t believe that we really can learn something from an Online Software. But be carefull and don`t be naive! Just click on Rocket French and Scroll Down until the "Sign up to my FREE 6-Day French Course!" frame. Take action and discover straightly the "Rocket French 6-Day Course: Day 1" in your E-mail box.

    If after all this you still have a comment you`re Welcome!

    For any questions you can always join me at:

    I hope to see you soon but until then: "Au revoir!"


    Wednesday, November 15, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #10

    The Nasal Vowels.

    (like ong in song without pronouncing the g)

    An, am.

    Ange - rang - dans - sans - camp - pantalon

    En, em.

    Vent - dent - temps - vendre - entrer - novembre

    On, om.

    Mon - ton - son - nom - bon - nombre - non


    Avion - lion - pion - sion - lampion - camion


    Tuesday, November 14, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #9

    Sounds of Vowels.

    Ai, ei (like the e in set)

    Peine - reine - peigne - seine - veine - laine - anglaise - laide

    Y (ii), ay (ai i), oy (oi i), uy (ui i)

    Crayon (crai-ion), pays (pai-is), payer (pai-ier), voyage (voi-iage), balayer (balai-ier), envoyer (envoi-ier), rayon (rai-ion), noyau (noi-iau), tuyau (tui-iau)

    If you Desire more Professional help I recommend to you the Rocket French Software! Believe me it isn`t just a SCAM. I subscribed on their homepage at: Rocket French and straightly received their 6-Day Free Course. I really appreciated how they take their time to teach the French language with quality to make it possible for you to Master it with Confidence!

    If I can be of any Help for Information and such, please don`t be Shy! E-mail me at:


    Sunday, November 12, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #8

    Sounds of Vowels.

    Oeu, eu (like the e in her)

    Peur - jeu - feu - bleu - deux - jeudi - peu - seul - beurre - oeuf - soeur - coeur

    Ai (like the a in mate)

    Frais - laid - lait - Anglais - Français - épais - gai - paix - craie - j`ai - je vais

    For more information about How to Learn to Speak French Online please visit us at: Rocket French


    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #8

    Sounds of Vowels.

    Oeu, eu (like the e in her)

    Peur - jeu - feu - bleu - deux - jeudi - peu - seul - beurre - oeuf - soeur - coeur

    Ai (like the a in mate)

    Frais - laid - lait - Anglais - Français - épais - gai - paix - craie - j`ai - je vais

    For more information about How to Learn to Speak French Online please visit us at: Rocket French

    Saturday, November 11, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #7

    Sounds of Vowels.

    Oi (like W followed by the a in rather)

    Moi - toi - bois - roi - toit - noix - joie - loi - soif - froid - noir - troid

    Ou (like oo in soon)

    Tout- sous - cou - doux - fou - court - souris - groupe - cour - roue - clou - coude

    Discover the Testimony of Kate Joslin from California, U.S.A.

    "I was very pleased with Rocket French from the beginning. I didn’t even have to wait for it to come in the mail but began immediately exploring the program after I downloaded it.

    The lessons were very helpful and I enjoyed learning by reading and listening to the language. For such a beginner like myself I thought the lessons were very understandable and basic.

    Overall, I was very pleased with the program and thought the practical go-at-your-own-speed teaching style was great. My French began to improve and I had fun practicing everything I was learning on my French-speaking friends."

    If You want to have the same Adventure as Kate please visit us at: Rocket French


    Friday, November 10, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #6

    The Amplified Sounds.

    1:     â: pâte

    2:     ê: tête

    3:     î: île

    4:     ô: pôle


    There are some rare cases where the e sounds like an a!

    ex.: poêle - femme


    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #5

    The sounds: e, é, è.

    1. e: Like the e in her.
    ex.: Le, me, te, se, de, ne, que.

    2. é: Like the a in mate.
    ex.: Blé, clé, café, thé, cinéma, bébé.

    3. è: Like the e in set.
    ex.: Père, mère, frère, règle, crème, lèvre.

    4. er: At the end of the word: é.
    ex.: Parler, donner, manger, fermer, aller.

    5. et:
    At the end of the word: é.
    ex.: Robinet, carnet, buffet, paquet.

    6. ez: At the end of the word: é.
    ex.: Nez, parlez, donnez, managez, allez.

    7. es: : Sounds like the é.
    ex.: Mes, tes, ses, les, des, tu es.

    8. ier:
    At the end of the word: .
    ex: Premier, dernier, cahier, soulier, pommier, dattier, bananier.

    9. ai: Sounds like the é.
    ex.: Fraiche, laide, Francais, Anglais, épais, j`ai, je vais.

    10. ai: Sounds like the è.
    ex.: Fraiche, laide, Francaise, Anglaise.

    11. ei: Sounds like the è.
    ex.: Peine, seine, reine, veine, baleine.

    12. e + 2 consonants = è.
    ex.: Cette, fermer, étiquette, geste, perle.

    Discover the Testimony of Lisa Davis from Kingstone, Jamaica:

    "I think Rocket French
    is a very good program. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn French and learn it fast because it’s a very easy-to-use program and it’s very fun. It’s also very good in terms of how they teach; quite informative, and the pronunciation is perfect.

    The biggest benefit I gained from Rocket French
    is the confidence to not be afraid to use the French language in settings where it would be necessary.

    I would recommend it to others who are looking to buy a French program, where they could learn quickly and easily. Others should expect to gain good results from using Rocket French

    I’m glad I used Rocket French
    and I would recommend it to everyone who is interested..."

    For more Tools, Tips and Techniques please visit us at: Rocket French

    , , , ,

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #4

    In How to Learn to Speak French Online we are going to show you some rules of pronunciation!

    The sound of the Simple Vowels.

    1. a:
    Like the a in Rather, Father.
    ex.: Ma, ta, sa, la, papa, dada.

    2. e: Like the e in her.
    ex.: Le, me, te, se, de, ne, que.

    3. i: Like the ee in feet.
    ex.: Mi, midi, fini, ri, canari, mari.

    4. o: Like the o in pot.
    ex.: Dos, pot, sot, mot, poste, domino, poli.

    5. u: No exact English equivalent.
    ex.: Nu, rue, lu, su, pu, vu, mur, sur, puni.

    6. y: Also like the ee in feet.
    ex.: Dynamo, cygne, stylo, piyama, bicyclette.

    Look at this Testimony from Sonica van Rooyen who is in Pretoria, South Africa for her Job in the DRC: "What I enjoy most about the program is that I can determine where the priorities lie for me, and work according to those."

    For more Testimonies please visit us at: Rocket French.

    , , , ,

    Friday, November 03, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #3

    I submitted myself to The Cutting-Edge "Rocket French Free 6-Day Course" and straightly received the "Day 1" link by E-mail.

    To subscribe to the course please go to Rocket French and Scroll Down until you pass the Testimonials to discover the Sign-Up Form.

    Now I`m personally following Step by Step the complete course and Read my Lips: "Rocket French is a high quality language program which I really recommend for those looking to pick up the French Language. Not only is it easy to fit in every day, it is affordable!"

    If You think "Learn French Online Software" is a SCAM, just go and look on their site:
    "Rocket French"!

    If You have any Good or Bad comments, Don`t be Shy!
    Freedom of Speech is what we like In Here!


    Wednesday, November 01, 2006

    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #2

    Once You know how to greet a person You need to Learn how to present Itself.

    Bernadette enters the bus and meets François.

    François: Salut! Tu t`appelles comment? (Hi! What`s your name?)

    Bernadette: Je m`appelle Bernadette. Et toi? (My name is Bernadette. And you?)

    François: Je m`appelle François. (My name is François.)

    Bernadette: Ou vas tu? (Where are you going?)

    François: Je vais à l`école Maurice Carème. Et toi? (I go to my school Maurice Carème. And you?)

    Bernadette: J`ai un rendez-vous avec ma mère a la ferme de mon grand-père. ( I have an appointement with my mother at the farm of my grand-father)

    François: Passes une bonne journée et à bientôt! (Have a nice day and see you soon!)

    Bernadette: Toi aussi! Merçi beaucoup. (You too! Thanks a lot.)

    You`ve just learned how to present itself by telling a person to which place you go.

    In the next posts we are going to learn how to go shopping and much more!

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    Learn French Online: Tools, Tips and Techniques #1

    To Learn French Online You need to start with the Foundations of the French Language to Build a vast Knowledge.

    Such as: Greetings.

    Monsieur Dupont meets Madame La Baronne.

    Monsieur Dupont:             Bonjour Madame! (Hello Madam!)
    Madame La Baronne:       Bonjour, Monsieur Dupont! (Hello, Mister Dupont!)
    Monsieur Dupont:             Comment allez vous? (How are you?)
    Madame La Baronne:       Très bien, merci. Et vous? (Fine, Thanks. And you ?)
    Monsieur Dupont:             Je vais bien, merci. (I`m well, Thanks.)

    Stay Tuned on Learn French Online to receive more Tools, Tips and Techniques!


    Tuesday, October 31, 2006

    On "How to Learn to Speak French Online" we are going to Give You some Tools to Understand the Basics of the French Language.

    To Learn French Online we are going to give You the "3-T Formula": Tools, Tips and Techniques.

    These are going to Guide You Step by Step to the Basics of the French Language to afterwards be able to completely Learn French Online and Speaking it Fluently by Mastering it with Excellence.

    Sunday, October 29, 2006

    Planning to Learn French Online?

    Since centuries people like You and Me are searching to cross the Barriers and to Explore this Wide Multi-Cultural Globe.

    To Attain that Objective,
    Learn French Online will be your key to be Successful in your path to Conquer France and much more countries:

    Algeria, Antilles, Belgium, Benin, Cambodia, Canada, Chad, Congo, Corsica, Djibouti, Gabon, Guinea, Guyane, Haiti, Ivory Cost, Laos, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Mauritania, Quebec, New Orleans, Nigeria, New Caledonia, Reunion, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, Tahiti, Togo, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Zaire, French Speaking West Africa and French Polynesia...

    If You Learn French Online it Will assist You to Understand many Cultures without needing No translators Nore anyone but Your Own Knowledge and Common Sence.

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    If this doesn`t makes You Itch to Learn French Online it maybe means that You don`t Have the Guts to leave Your Playground...

    Learn French Online and Pass The Borders!

    How to Learn to Speak French Online.

    Eiffel Tower Picture

    Hi and Welcome ! Bonjour et Bienvenue!
    I`m really happy to have you on my brand new blog.

    Doesn`t it sounds Intriguin to Learn the Language of Romance?
    Don`t You Desire The Passion?
    I want to guide You to Learn French Online and for that You will find a Lot of Helpful Informations on the French language , its Grammar, Origin and More...

    You also get detailed French Software Products, Books and Podcasting as well to offer You to catch The Real French Accent.

    Learn French Online in the comfort of your Own home!

    These courses on How to Learn French Online are adapted for Children and their Parents so Join them All to the Fun!
    I hope this blog will be really Interactive and that you will post your comments on my French Tutorial and Advices.

    Thanks for your time and I tell You "Au Revoir"